PLC Training Org.

Advanced Automation Training


Advanced automation training topics can vary greatly depending on what industry you are in and your current employers equipment, will determine what specific advanced automation training you will need. Because it is difficult for any one person to learn all advanced automation topics, it is recommended you be actively working in the field before deciding which fit your needs best. But in the interim, you can start with learning more about advanced PLC and PAC instructions, like PID and user defined memory arrays and instructions. All along your adjectives should be to select subject most commonly used and those used in your equipment. The choices will be different for example you may be seeking advanced industrial automation training, or you may be seeking advanced building automation training.

The PID course we recommend below is a great example. Learning all 60 algorithms can be dry and you may never run into most of them. So the course below simplifies by providing the PID basics, like the 3 categories for PID algorithms (ideal, series/dependant, and parallel/independent), then while teaching the most common algorithms, with interactive simulations, teaches you how to simplify PID tuning. This simplified approach will be adequate for most people in most circumstances.

You may for example be working with PACs and SCADA and find the need to take a course in Python computer programming language, SQL database queries a common data manipulation languages used. Other advanced topics may include redundant safety PLCs, advanced process control, motion systems, embedded systems, systems integration, robotic programming, vision systems, advanced SIL, real-time optimization, neural network technology, AI, etc.

We have color-coded this entire site based on Occupational titles. This is to help you decide what PLC training is most needed based on your relative occupation.

plc training
Click PLC Training Phase titles below to explorer.

Recommended PLC training path by occupation...

  • Mechanic
  • Industrial Electrician
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Commercial Electrician
  • Instrumentation Tech
  • Industrial IT
  • Maintenance Manager
  • Mechatronics Tech
  • Software Programmer

Advanced Automation Training Resources:

Advanced Automation Training Articles:

Tap below for this section's Best Practices

Best Practices